Research Programme



Research has been accepted as the third dimension of Higher Education, which could sharpen the curiosity in young minds that would lead to innovation and achievements and ultimately uplift the socio-economic status of society at large.


Motivating teachers and students to develop positive aptitude towards research,

    Organizing periodic Seminar / Conference / Workshop, so as to create awareness and environment regarding sophisticated tolls, techniques and core thrust areas of research.

    Introducing the funding sources and motivating the teachers, research scholars, and students to apply for the grants to conduct research, Creating atmosphere, opportunities and facilities for interaction and discussion.

    Encouraging the young faculty members, research scholars and post graduate students to apply for Summer and Winter Research Internship Programme available with Indian National Academy of Sciences, Indian Academy of Science, National Academy of Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research.

    Encourage the faculty members and post graduates to initiate collaborative research projects with national and international institutions.


Since, research is part of the academic activity at higher education level and the importance of research in improving the quality of education, our institution promotes research through following measures.

    Set up a Research and Development Cell and encourages the same to creates conducive environment for research and take initiatives that promote research aptitude among Faculty Members, Research Scholars and Post Graduate Students. Encouraging the Faculty Members, Research Scholars, Post Graduate Students to publish their research work in National, and International Journal, and Conference and Seminar by providing financial assistance,

Encouraging the Faculty Members to apply for Research Projects Financial Assistance to various National and International Funding Agencies,

    Launched a Journal to facilitate the young Faculty Members, Research Scholars and Students to publish their research works.

    Encouraging the Individual Faculty Members, Departments to raise financial support from National and International Agencies to Organize Seminar, Conference and Workshops,

Providing financial supports to Research and Development Cell and Departments to Organize Workshop, Conference and Seminar.

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