Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)

          In the technically advanced modern times, the learner is expected to make horizontal and vertical mobility. To enable him to achieve this, multi-disciplinary learning must be given due consideration. Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) promotes both quality and relevance in higher education. Under this system, a student can select his own combination of courses that may suit his caliber and interest. Ultimately he can prepare himself thoroughly for competitive examinations at the national and international levels and also for higher studies abroad. The College offers this system and the students can get themselves benefited from it.

Total Credit for UG : 140 PG : 90

         Besides Core Course (CC) papers, the college provides certain other viable and socially relevant courses such as EDC (Extra Disciplinary Courses) and GIC (General Interest Courses). Every Department offers a few selected subjects. The Students of one faculty can choose any other subject of his own choice offered by other faculties. This system enables the students to become well versed in different subjects.

         Environmental studies is provided to students of all faculties. By studying such subjects the students can attain social awareness and thereby render great service to humanity in future.

         The re-structured syllabi offered in each department thus fulfill all the needs and expectations of the learners.

Classification of Successful Candidates :

         Grade are awarded based on the marks secured in subjects under Part III. However, for parts I and II classes are given based on the marks scored in each of the languages separately and all these are indicated in the certificates as per the scheme given below.

UG Courses
Marks Grade Point Letter Grade
90 and above 10 O
80 and above but below 90 9 A+ 
70 and above but below 80 8
60 and above but below 70 7 B+ 
50 and above but below 60 6
40 and above but below 50 5

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